Theme “Autumn”
Late autumn meditation
Autumn falls into winter,
its beauty drifting down
to be a carpet for the drowsy earth.
It is a time of remembrance –
for all saints and all souls,
for all the dead of war,
and for all the dead of peace.
It is a time to remember those once close to us
who have lived their
Another autumn
Another autumn.
Another season of melancholy
and remembered loss.
Another season when Nature teaches us
that we are mortal.
Another time when we know that we are travelling
on a one-way ticket.
Another season when beauty mingles with tears.
Another autumn.
An autumn prayer
Dear God,
Sometimes I wonder why the seasons need to turn.
Already there are signs that the summer is coming to an end.
At the edges of the warm summer days is a touch of cooler weather,
the lights are being switched on that bit earlier,
and the wind has already dislodged a few leaves.
Even in the summer there is