Living and dying
You are invited to join in with the words of this responsive reading in bold.
Spirit of Life, God of All Love, help us to face our human predicament,
and come to terms with the knowledge that our lives will end someday.
To deny death is to deny life; may we live honestly, courageously, and wholeheartedly, knowing
Letting the story speak
This Christmas, let us open our hearts, and extend an invitation to those familiar figures, allowing the old story of the nativity to speak to us anew.
Mary and Joseph, poor and weary travellers, speak to us:
Show us the way of acceptance and love;
of saying ‘yes’ and embracing the mystery.
Shepherds, steadfast and humble
Where is the God of love?
This reading first appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8054, March 2023
I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these
things. (Isaiah 45: 6-7)
I am all-powerful Time which destroys all things. (Bhagavad Gita 11: 32)
Easter 2020
This reading first appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 7984, Easter 2020
“From midday a darkness fell over the whole land…” – Matthew 27: 45
“The angel spoke to the women: ‘You have nothing to fear. He has been raised.’ They hurried away in awe and great joy.” – Matthew 28: 5-6, 8
Apple crumble – a true story
She came to my house, with flowers from the market and apples from her garden – they don’t need sugar, she said, they’re just right as they are. There’s lots there and more if you need them.
And I said, my daughters have collected some blackberries. And she nodded.
Because a wise woman can predict
Conflict evolution
There is pain in still seeking home after thousands of years
Deep suffering as home is taken away
Yet I commit to a depth of understanding that opens my heart truthfully and allows the hearts of others to open too.
It’s what I’m expected to do.
No Christmas in Bethlehem
Matthew 2: 18
There’s no Christmas in Bethlehem this year.
No Christmas tree, no coloured lights,
no celebrations, no revellers…
There’s too much suffering,
too much violence, too much hatred,
too much resentment, too much oppression.
Too many people are homeless,
too many are refugees, too many are fearful,
too many are hungry, too many are sick.
Too many
2023 Migration Worship and Resource Pack
This is background information for anyone using the 2023 Migration Worship Resource Pack
The Emergency Motion at the 2023 General Assembly
“Proposed Emergency Motion on Illegal Immigration Bill 284 2022-23
The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches:
Signed: Rev. Winnie Gordon (Ministerial Fellowship Co-President), Rev. Cody Coyne, Rev. Kate Brady McKenna, Rev. Sue Woolley (General Assembly President),