Holiday wish list
This originally appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8025
Like a child before the presents are opened,
Like a man on his first bite of beef stew,
My spirit is everything-greedy,
I want holidays – and Holy Days, too.
Give me a hustle and bustle in the kitchen,
Where loved ones cook for each other,
Christmas will come
This first appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8049
Christmas will come.
When the nights are so long that even the day is dark,
and the world’s balloon is a fugitive from the sky,
when hope seeps out of our collective life like breath,
like the wind punched from a downed fighter,
Christmas will come.
May God’s home be in the arms…
This originally appeared as the ‘Inquiring Words’ in The Inquirer, Issue 8049
May God’s home be in the arms
of the homeless and the refugee,
may God’s ceremony be justice,
may God’s tribute be surrender.
May God’s righteousness be the poor, confirmed,
and may God’s river be the very stream
where she is taking
Humanity still hopes at Christmas
This reading originally appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8001,
Catching equinox
Listen to the darkness approaching
Experience her bounty before us
Equinox catching.
Shower in changing colours of the real
Leave behind exactly as she shows you how to
Equinox catching.
Breathe in preparation of reflection of pause
Open your arms to pollinate all our future imaginations and hopes
Equinox catching.
This preparation is for a
Mabon journey
A light moving to the dark
This thankfulness in a harvest held
Yet a restlessness
May your Mabon journey balance.
Your harvest gratitude is welcome
Give blessings away to a food bank or a passing stranger
Give away on your Mabon journey.
Pick some food
Count your blessings
On your knees in humility and love