What does church mean to me?
I was brought up going to church. I was taken every Sunday, week by week, sometimes once, sometimes twice a day. I never liked it. For some reason it was just the Sunday services. I don’t know why I was never sent to Sunday School, maybe the bus times didn’t work out. I couldn’t sing.
Winter solstice meditation
We pause as the path of the sun reverses, seemingly holding its place for a moment of turning. Let us delve into the gifts of darkness at the winter solstice. We follow curiosity and contemplation down into the cold earth, taking a journey to the world below the surface. Here we find acorns, cached by
Summer is a joyous time
Summer is a joyous time.
The promise of spring has been fulfilled in the lengthened days and the warmth of the sun.
In this time of happiness, it is good to think of the past winter, and to remember the broken saplings and the trodden flowers – plants, animals, people who have been taken from us, always too early. We think
Intercessionary prayer
Having gathered in this Oasis of Peace: having come from many places and with many differing thoughts: we pause in the quiet to reflect on our lives, and to offer to that which we find most holy our worship and our prayers – our hopes and our dreams – our confessions – our thanks for the blessings we have received.
We gather at this time of harvest, to give thanks for the many blessings we receive, and to acknowledge the work which has made them possible. So much of our lives is disconnected from the earth which sustains us, and we pause now to remember its bounty.
Along with the bounty, life on earth meets much hardship. At this time of
When it comes to love, Grandparents know best. They love their grandchildren without condition. They love them for who they are nothing more, nothing less. If the grandchildren aren’t doing very well at school or not happy in work or relationship, they are still loved unconditionally. Grandparents are proud of the triumphs and successes. They
A meditation on angels
Let us open the eye of imagination. Let us see the spirit within us as a pilgrim walking the path of life. We come into life unknowing and dependent on a love that will nurture and protect us, but the time comes when this love releases us to go our own way. There have been
Grace is a word I had some resistance to for a long time. I associated it with the line from the song, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.” Saving, wretch, all that stuff does not compute with me. But some time ago I had an experience of grace, when