“English” language resources
Psalm 85, reimagined
Holy One, restore us.
Forgive us our iniquity, for all the ways we damage the earth, our fellow creatures and ourselves; show us we are all one.
Turn to us in Your compassion and revive us, that we may rejoice.
Show us your steadfast love and grant us peace.
Promise well-being to those who revere
Let us give thanks – a Harvest prayer
Spirit of Life, Ground of Our Being,
at this harvest-time, we give thanks for the gifts of nature, freely given.
For the abundance and beauty of this earth, we give thanks.
For fertile soils, ripening crops and fruiting hedgerows, we give thanks.
For bracing breezes and misty mornings, we give thanks.
For cool evenings and
The Lord’s Prayer, reimagined
Spirit of Life, Ground of all Being, Our Mother and Father,
Who are throughout the whole cosmos
Holy are All Your Names
Holy are we, whoever and however we are
Your realm of love and justice come
Through the actions of our hands
And the desires of our hearts
Open our hearts to those who
The light of love
We light our chalice candle as a symbol of the light of love.
The light reminds us that love is the greatest power in the world,
the love we share and bless each other with,
here in our beloved community;
the love we take out into the world,
bearing and sharing the light,
wherever we
We light our chalice, symbol of our free Unitarian faith
Sign of the spark of life in all living beings
Fire of commitment to love and justice
As the chalice cup embraces the flame
May we hold one another in loving community
Sharing our gratitude, our pain and our hopes for our world
For we
In awe and wonder
We light our chalice in gratitude
For the grace of mystery
For all the times we have stood
In awe and wonder
At the depths of our inner lives and
The beauty of our outer lives
Made One
Welcome all the truth
As Unitarians we are people seeking
Truth, meaning, love and deep connection
As we seek to discern our path
May we follow the guidance of our hearts
May our hearts be open to unexpected truths
May our chalice flame remind us
To welcome all the truth of our lives
To welcome each other
Into the
Fully Present
The lighting of our chalice flame invites
Our full and simple presence, in this moment
As we move through our day
May we be fully and simply present to ourselves
Fully and simply present to each other
Fully and simply present to the world around us
Grateful for the breath of life in our bodies