“English” language resources
Psalm 23
A Version of Psalm 23 by Rev. Maud Robinson
Love is my shepherd; I shall not want
She bids me lie down in green pastures
She leads me beside quiet waters.
She restores my soul
She leads me in paths of righteousness for her name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
The Prayer of Jesus
A Version of the Prayer of Jesus, rewritten by Rev. Maud Robinson
Mystery of Life; Source of Love and Beauty
We stand in awe in the presence of the Universe.
We celebrate the joy of possibility.
May we move our world closer
to the Dream of equity and justice.
Though often distracted by material concerns,
Mysterious unfathomable Universe
Mysterious unfathomable Universe:
Inspirer of awe and wonder,
and soaring of the spirit –
There are times when the greatness of the Universe
seems cold and distant,
as a black night sky –
Times when my heart cries out
not for awe
but for embrace and consolation.
On days like
Prayer for St Brigit’s Day – 1st February
Context: Legend tells us Brigit asked the authorities for land to build a sacred space for God, and was told that she could have as much as her cloak would cover. She spread forth her cloak in faith. The cloak expanded, spilling outward to cover all the acres of land she needed to establish her
A Chalice of Peace
Today I light our chalice for those who are embroiled in conflict, for they may not be able to burn with the serenity of compassion.
Today I light our chalice for the downtrodden and the hopeless, for they may not be able to light their own flames of joy.
Today I light our chalice for those who
Spirit of Life and Love,
In this moment let us be conscious
of the free gifts of air to breathe
and solid ground beneath our feet.
Conscious of these natural realities,
Let us likewise recall the importance
of interpersonal trust in our lives.
While being open to others
Carries its risk,
We know our hearts will
Alternative Lords’ Prayer
Source of universal love
Glory be for worldly wisdom
Let your light enter our hearts
Inspire us in forgiveness.
To walk the paths of peace
With care for all living beings
To respect our planet and
Cherish its resources
For the present and the future
Are in the hands of all people.
A Prayer To Commemorate The Coronation Of King Charles III 6th May 2023
All powerful, all knowing, all loving God, we pray that You bless King Charles III with a long and joyous reign.
Bless him with Insight and understanding. Bless him with courage and steadfastness. Bless him with love and compassion. That he may better serve his people well and justly and that they in turn may recognise