“English” language resources
No more poppy petals needed
Peace means not-war
Peace means no violence
Peace means we will have learned not to fight over disagreements
Peace means humanity will have finally grown up
Peace means kindness without limits
Peace means there will be enough plough shares to go round
Peace means equity between all people
Peace means trust and respect
Peace means
Lead me from Death to Life, from Falsehood to Truth
There are dark and painful times
when I know a dying inside,
a dying of the soul perhaps,
when all my spiritual energy is drained,
when I have nothing left to give.
I need to find the strength
to move from these times
to choose life, to affirm life,
to begin to feel
once again fully
Outside the gates of Eden
Blow trumpet, for the world is white with May;
Blow trumpet, the long night hath roll’d away!
Blow thro’ the living world – “Let the King reign.”
– ‘Idylls of the King’, Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Tune: St Fulbert
This is a land where ancient kings
and queens have ruled and reigned,
we are a folk whose
The divine embrace, viewed through a window
Written following worship by Julio Torres – Beloved Community in the Divine Empathetic Embrace and a meditation while Peter Flower played ‘Spring’ by Vivaldi on the piano. The rain was steadily and silently falling on the trees outside.
The Fingers of the Fir.
Evergreen, save the touches of
Injury from her long life, waved.
Moved, conducting
Finding my space
A winning entry for the Dorothy Archer Prize, 2022
Whilst acknowledging the turmoil and uncertainty of my life, I pray, also, to resolve and improve my situation. I have choices: I can walk, trusting that the natural rhythm achieved will bring relaxation from tension; I can listen to favourite music, hoping to create inner peace; I
Metre: Tune: Noel Nouvelet
Gentle whispers hover; lead me into prayer;
Within sweet silence, I feel more aware.
Solace and calm surround my very soul;
Pay heed to the quiet; may I be made whole?
Fears and worries linger; where to find release
From the uncertain; harmony and peace
Will soothe my spirit—-bring tranquillity;
Thank you for the stories
Written for the launch of the LGBT+ Unitarian Voices exhibition, 2023
As we leave here today, we give thanks for the many stories of our lives, and for all those who hold us gently while we tell them.
We leave grateful for the listeners, for those who sit quietly and give us the gift of a version
Love of ages
The classic hymn ‘Rock of Ages’ draws heavily on Calvinist ideas about the atonement, the cross and original sin, all areas where Unitarians have differed from Calvinism. Here, its words are adapted to a more Unitarian perspective by Francis Elliot -Wright.
Love of Ages, meant for me,
Let me find myself in Thee;